Bristol 2025


£1:00 admission for members
£3.00 admission for non-members

Sales Table

The Sales table will have a useful range of new and used Aquatic items you are possibly looking for.
We are expecting some nice Livestock from our breeders including a range of non-livebearing fish, Shrimp and snails to go with any plants that are available on the day

11 classes plus novice
Single entry male or female fish entered
Medals for class winners and award cards for 1st to 3rd place.
Cultivated Molly                                Wild-form Poecilia/Limia
Cultivated Swordtail                          Wild-form Swordtails
Cultivated Platy                                 Wild-form Platy
Cultivated Pairs                                 Goodeids
AOV Cultivated Livebearer                AOV W/form Livebearer
Wild form Livebearer Pairs