BLA Constitution
- 1. Name
- 1.1. The name of the club is The British Livebearer Association, abbreviated to the BLA, and referred to in this document as ‘the BLA’ or ‘the Club.’
- 2. Status
- 2.1. The club is a ‘not for profit’ organisation.
- 3. Aims
- 3.1. To promote the participation in the keeping of livebearing fishes.
- 3.2. To promote the breeding & skills required for good husbandry of livebearing fishes.
- 3.3. To promote the conservation of wild form livebearing fish
- 3.4. To provide social events so that club members can meet and form/renew friendships and also help the club attract new members.
- 4. Objectives We seek to achieve our Aims with the following Objectives:
- 4.1. Increasing membership participation by: –
- 4.1.1. providing social events and attendance at shows for Members and the general public:
- 4.1.2. providing events with educational lectures on fish husbandry and conservation.
- 4.1.3. providing practical information on fish husbandry information.
- 4.1.4. providing access for members to wild form and cultivated species of livebearing fishes through auctions.
- 4.2. Promoting conservation by: –
- 4.2.1. encouraging the keeping and breeding of wild form livebearing species of fishes.
- 4.2.2. providing specific species profiles, to include habitat information where available.
- 4.2.3. forging close working relationships with international conservation groups, such as the Goodeid and Xiphophorus Working Groups (the GWG and the XWG)
- 4.3. Dissemination of information, & communications through: –
- 4.3.1. a regular newsletter – the ‘Livebearer News’
- 4.3.2. the use of the website.
- Storage of accessible historical and current club information on the Website.
- Storage of accessible species and habitat information on the Website.
- 4.3.3. social media (Facebook Group and Page).
- Promotion of club events through Facebook and other social media platforms as required.
- 4.1. Increasing membership participation by: –
- 5. Membership
- 5.1. The membership shall consist of: honorary members, committee members, and general members.
- 5.2. Membership of the club shall be open to any person completing a membership application form and paying the subscription/joining fee as determined annually by the committee.
- 5.3. Membership fee is payable annually by the committee & general members, due on the anniversary of joining.
- 5.4. In accepting membership, the member agrees to abide by the rules and constitution of the club. This includes our equality/diversity and harassment policies and members will be subject to the club’s disciplinary procedures.
- 6. Committee
- 6.1. Committee members:
- 6.1.1. Chair
- 6.1.2. Vice Chair
- 6.1.3. Treasurer
- 6.1.4. Events manager
- 6.1.5. Membership secretary
- 6.1.6. Webmaster
- 6.1.7. Web editor & social media
- 6.1.8. Editor
- 6.1.9. Species maintenance
- 6.1.10. Committee members without portfolio.
- 6.2. The management of the BLA shall be vested in the committee.
- 6.3. The committee shall have the power to create and fill casual vacancies in its membership and to create and fill any other office which in its opinion is necessary.
- 6.4. The committee will meet on a regular basis using the preferred internet platform as well as conventional meetings where deemed required.
- 6.4.1. The quorum at a meeting shall be a minimum of 5 members.
- 6.4.2. Any topic of discussion that requires a vote will be decided by a majority decision. Should any vote end in a tie, the chair will have an additional casting vote
- 6.5. The committee may decide to split into sub-groups to consider certain matters.
- 6.6. The committee shall be empowered to form rules which shall be binding on all BLA members.
- 6.6.1. The rules and constitution of BLA may be altered by the committee.
- 6.7. The committee may employ professional officers at its discretion.
- 6.8. Resignation: – if any committee member wishes to resign from their post, they are required to advise the chair or the membership secretary of their intention in writing.
- 6.8.1. Resignations shall be discussed at the next committee meeting after receipt of the resignation. The member shall be allowed to retract their resignation at any time up to the time that the resignation is accepted by the committee.
- 6.1. Committee members:
- 7. Meetings
- 7.1. Annual General Meeting (AGM) held at the convention.
- 7.1.1. Chair’s report
- 7.1.2. Treasurer’s report
- 7.1.3. Species maintenance and conservation manager’s report
- 7.1.4. Constitution review
- 7.1.5. Any other business
- 7.2. Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM).
- 7.2.1. Where considered appropriate by the committee an EGM shall be held, to decide major issues arising that will not wait for the AGM or to ratify committee proposed changes.
- 7.2.2. The membership will be notified by email with 30 days’ notice about the EGM. The email will specify the reasons and agenda for the EGM, and specifying the date, time and venue.
- 7.3. Voting at a general meeting
- 7.3.1. Any member present shall be entitled to request a closed ballot.
- 7.3.2. Unless it is decided that a closed ballot shall be more appropriate, all matters shall be decided by a show of hands of those members present and eligible to vote.
- 7.3.3. The voting at meetings shall be that of the committee members, honorary members and paid-up general members; no person shall be permitted to vote in more than one capacity.
- 7.3.4. For a vote to be deemed valid a minimum of 25 eligible members must be present.
- Should the minimum number of eligible voters not be present at the meeting, the committee’s decision will be carried.
- 7.3.5. The majority of a vote between two proposals, will be carried the proposal with the highest number of votes won.
- Where the vote on two proposals ends with equal votes, the Chair will have an additional casting vote.
- Where three or more proposals are being voted on, the proposal(s) with the lowest number of votes will be removed from the voting process, leaving the two proposals with the highest number of votes. The vote will then be retaken to decide the winning proposal.
- 7.3.6. Persons who have not paid their membership fee shall be entitled to attend the AGM or an EGM; however, they shall not be entitled to vote or to propose any resolution.
- 7.1. Annual General Meeting (AGM) held at the convention.
- 8. Finance
- 8.1. All monies raised shall be applied to further the objectives of the club and no other purposes.
- 8.2. The financial year of the club ends on 31st December
- 8.2.1. Accounts shall be available to any fully paid member upon written request to the chair or treasurer.
- 8.2.2. An abbreviated set of the same accounts shall be published on the club website (membership section).
- 8.2.3. An up-to-date financial statement / report will be made at every AGM by the Treasurer.
- 8.3. The funds of the club shall be lodged at the NatWest Bank plc, Clevedon, The Triangle Branch, PO Box 1367, 9 The Triangle, Clevedon, North Somerset, BS99 5ER until further notice and all cheques drawn shall be signed by two of three bank mandated signatories.
- 8.4. In the event of the club winding up/ceasing to exist, any assets at the time of dissolution shall be donated to charitable or conservation causes directly related to the conservation of fish.
- 8.4.1. No member shall obtain any asset or money from the club.
- 8.5. Individual members including committee members may not commit to reimbursable spending without prior authorisation of the treasurer or committee.
- 8.5.1. The committee may commit to spending up to £2,000 in a single transaction before seeking authorisation from the membership.
- 8.5.2. Expenditure will only be reimbursed on production of a valid receipt immediately the purchase has been made.
- 9. The Constitution
- 9.1. The constitution shall be reviewed annually by the committee to ensure that it is current and up-to-date.
- 9.2. Proposed additions to, or alterations or revisions of the constitution from the membership can only be submitted to the chair in writing.
- 9.2.1. The chair will arrange for a sub-committee to review the proposal and report their findings back to the committee. to decide the viability of the proposal.
- 9.2.2. Such proposals can only be accepted from eligible members.
- 9.2.3. No resolution involving any amendment to the constitution may be proposed from the floor of any meeting.
- 9.3. In the event of any question or matter arising which is not provided for in the constitution, such question or matter shall be dealt with by the committee, whose decision shall be final.
- 10. Discipline
- 10.1. The committee shall have the power to take appropriate disciplinary action against any member and shall have the authority to expel from the club any member guilty of conduct deemed to be to the detriment of the club.
- 10.1.1. There shall be a right of appeal to the committee, or an appeal committee set up by it to act on its behalf, against any decision made against a member of the club.
- 10.1. The committee shall have the power to take appropriate disciplinary action against any member and shall have the authority to expel from the club any member guilty of conduct deemed to be to the detriment of the club.
Bullying and harassment policy
The British Livebearer Association (The club), is committed to providing an environment that is free of harassment and bullying, and where everyone is treated, and treats others, with dignity and respect. The Club will not permit or condone any form of bullying or harassment.
This policy covers bullying or harassment of, or by, any member or third parties either employed or associated to the club, including guests and suppliers. The policy encompasses bullying or harassment that occurs within the club environment, either online or at club events.
Bullying is a sustained form of psychological abuse. It is defined as offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, involving the abuse or misuse of power, which has the purpose or effect of belittling, humiliating or threatening the recipient.
Harassment is any unwanted physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct that has the purpose or effect of violating a person’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that person. A single incident of this nature can amount to harassment if sufficiently serious.
It is important to note that harassment occurs even if the harasser perceives his/her behaviour as being harmless and without malice, or ‘just a bit of fun’. What matters is how the behaviour makes the recipient feel, and not what the perpetrator’s intentions were.
Equality and Diversity Policy
Our Equality and Diversity policy highlights our commitment to promoting equality and diversity within the club.
It has been put in place to ensure that all members are treated fairly in an environment which is free from any form of discrimination. This is with regard to nine of the protected characteristics as outlined in the Equality Act 2010, which are: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race (including colour, nationality and ethnic origins), religion and/or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
This policy covers discrimination of, or by, any member or third parties either employed or associated to the club, including guests and suppliers. The policy encompasses bullying or harassment that occurs within the club environment, either online or at club events.
Equality is where everybody has an equal opportunity, and is not treated differently or discriminated against because of their characteristics.
Diversity is about taking account of the differences between people and groups of people, and placing a positive value on those differences.
Grievance Procedure and Conflict Resolution
Informal approach
You may be able to sort out matters informally. The person may not know that their behaviour is unwelcome or upsetting, so an informal discussion may help them to understand the effects of their behaviour and agree to change it.
If you feel able to, tell the person what behaviour you find offensive and unwelcome, and say that you would like it to stop immediately. You should keep a note of the date and what was said and done. This will be useful if the unacceptable behaviour continues and you wish to make a formal complaint.
If this is too difficult for you, then please talk to a committee member for advice and assistance. They may for example speak to the person concerned on your behalf, or accompany you when you speak to them.
If the informal approach is not appropriate, or has not been successful, you should raise a formal complaint for the Club Chair to address.
Formal Complaints
the Club’s grievance procedure.
The Chair will form a disciplinary committee with no prior involvement with the case. The complaint will be dealt with in a timely, confidential and sensitive manner. Details of the investigation, and the names of the people involved, will only be disclosed on a ‘need to know’ basis.
Once the investigation is complete, both parties will be informed of our decision. Whether or not the complaint is upheld, the disciplinary committee will consider how best to progress following the outcome of the complaint. (Refer to section 10 of the constitution)
Protection and support for those involved
Persons who make complaints in good faith, or who participate in any investigation must not suffer any form of retaliation or victimisation as a result. The committee will take appropriate action against any member or associated third party engaged in retaliation.
Policy Review
We will monitor the success of the above policies regularly and our review our progress at least once a year.
These policies are fully endorsed by the British Livebearer Association committee.
Breaches of these policies may be regarded as misconduct and could lead to expulsion from the club membership.