Lago de Camécuaro, Michoacan
This site is a public park, a nice place to take the family with 300 year old cypress groves. While it is protected in that the water is clean and the fish are healthy, there is immense pressure on the native species cause by the introduced aliens that live here, including koi and Tilapia sp.
Livebearers found here:
Skiffia multipunctatus, Zoogoneticus purhepechus, Poeciliopsis sp.
- Zoogoneticus purhepechus. Lago de Camécuaro, Photo By E. Radax
- Tilaipia sp. Lago de Camécuaro, Photo By E. Radax
- Zoogoneticus purhepechus,Lago de Camécuaro, Photo By E. Radax
- Lago de Camécuaro, Photo By E. Radax
- Lago de Camécuaro, Photo By E. Radax
- Lago de Camécuaro, Photo By E. Radax
- Lago de Camécuaro, Photo By E. Radax